Our services

Explorations performed and reported by specialist doctors supported by state-of-the-art diagnostic devices and with the highest quality standards.


It is a simple, easy-to-perform and non-invasive lung function test that allows screening, diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory diseases.

Lung volumes

It is a respiratory function test that measures the total volume of intrathoracic gas and the specific resistance of the airway in a simple and non-invasive way.

beige and white skeletonbeige and white skeleton
person holding black and silver hand toolperson holding black and silver hand tool
water droplets on black backgroundwater droplets on black background
Pulmonary diffusion (DLCO)

It is a lung function test similar to spirometry, in which the diffusion of gases through the lung alveoli (area where oxygen passes from the lung to the blood) is studied.

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Nitric oxide test (FeNO)

This test in patients with asthma is a way to determine the amount of lung inflammation present and how effectively inhaled steroids are controlling this inflammation.

6 minute walk test

It consists of measuring the maximum distance that a person can travel on a flat surface in a period of 6 minutes, monitoring oxygen saturation, heart rate and blood pressure.

orange bubbles artorange bubbles art
close-up photography of person walking on pavementclose-up photography of person walking on pavement
black sailing boat digital wallpaperblack sailing boat digital wallpaper
Sleep studies

We perform both diagnostic studies (home nocturnal respiratory polygraphy) and CPAP treatment adjustment studies (titration).

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